Monday, January 18, 2016

Dr. Martin Luther King and the Berlin Wall

Today is Martin Luther King Day 2015.  I use this day to help raise money for a scholarship for high school students.  I believe we should spend this holiday, helping the needy. 

I listened to a lecture from a former NYTimes journalist Earl Caldwell as he explained that he witnessed something different than the official explanation about the assassination.   

While he was speaking, I thought of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Many people give Reagan credit for that.  I believe Reagan took more credit than he deserved.  When the wall was finally broken through they sang “We Shall Overcome”.  It was the marvelous work of Martin Luther King and countless nameless and faceless people that helped give those oppressed by communism another dream for their freedom.   

I remember a journalist at the time reported “They (the East Germans) want American freedom.  The journalist did not mention the struggle for civil rights as one of their visions of American freedom.   

So we should be proud that we live in a land where so many were willing to put their life on the line like Dr. King, Medgar Evers, Viola Liuzzo and others to sacrifice their lives, while making our country a place to be admired for our freedom.  We should remember that the Dream of Dr. King, helped change the world.

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