Monday, November 5, 2012

Romney - Double Speak and Mind

During the recent presidential debates, Gov. Mitt Romney reversed many of the positions he espoused during the primary.  Many Evangelical Christians have endorsed Gov. Romney because he shares their Christian values. 
When candidate Romney was running for Senator of Massachusetts, he said he was going to be to the right of Ted Kennedy on Gay Marriage.   He also stated in the past that he supports a women’s right to choose, a few months ago he said that he would get rid of Roe vs Wade, now he says that he would not support abortion legislation. 
I have many problems with the candidate for President Romney.  He has back tracked, side stepped, lied on most of the important issues.  He would not show his taxes when running in Massachusetts and even though he knew 4 years ago and gave McCain 13 years of taxes he refuses to give the same courtesy to American citizens. 
If he had espoused these views during the primary he never would have been nominated.  It would have most likely been Rick Santorum.
Romney has proven he will say anything to get nominated and anything else to get elected.  The Bible says in James Chapter 1 “a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways”.  Gov. Romney has tried to say one thing and later have his campaign walk it back.  He is a man that says one thing and then says another. 

President Obama Support of Women Erodes

President Obama’s support for Abortion Rights and Gay Marriage are offensive to many Christians.  Although I believe as a citizen of the United States of America, we are provided certain freedoms and I don’t believe I have a right to tell you what you should do with your body.   I don’t believe that 2 people who want to legally bind their relationship, whether you call it marriage or not should be rightfully denied. I support Christian Institutions’ right not to be involved in performing those marriages.  I don’t support Christian organizations that act as employers discriminating against the employees’ right to their body or whom they can legally live with. 
Many evangelicals refused to vote for President Obama because he supported a woman’s right to choose or Civil Unions.  I believe in order to get more votes, he chose to go even further than Civil Unions and support marriage equality.   
  Now there is speculation why his standing with women has not improved but has eroded.  I can only speak for myself, but I find it unsettling for anyone to advocate the glorification of their support for abortion, without acknowledgement of the innocent life destroyed in the process.  Many of the women that he is looking to support him are also mothers.  I am not excited by this political pandering.   I am not energized by it either. 
I was a pregnant unwed teenager and after witnessing the anguish I felt supporting my friends in their decision to terminate their pregnancies, I chose to go through with mine.  It was difficult and although my son’s father and I married, I never wanted to have any other children.  I chose a birth control method with over 90% success rate.  Even though I used this method according to my Doctor’s and manufacturer’s specifications 5 years after my son was born I became pregnant again.  My husband wanted me to terminate the pregnancy, I could not do it.  I have a daughter and later we raised a nephew from the time that he was 10 and homeless.  These were not easy decisions, not my first choice, but for me they are decisions that I am proud of.
So when someone like President Obama seems to glorify his support of a woman’s right to choose.  I look at my family and realize that while women are given the right to control their own bodies, some acknowledgement of the innocent victims of this decision is warranted and the glorification of the decision to terminate is not energizing to me.

Christian Compromise Values for Mormons

Last Week on the Billy Graham website, Mormonism was removed as a cult.  Pat Robertson has supported Gov. Mitt Romney as a candidate, because Gov. Romney’s “Christian Values”.  I really applaud the work that Reverends Robertson and Graham have done to let people know the “Good News” of salvation through Jesus Christ.  They have done an outstanding job advancing the teachings of Jesus Christ. I am very hesitant to criticize them because of their tremendous work and I pale in comparison in my commitment and actions for Christ. 
However, in this instance I don’t believe that removing Mormonism as a cult or saying that a Mormon supports our “Christian Values” are the right messages.
Why was Mormonism a cult last week and not this week?  Is it because of the former High Priest of the Mormon faith Gov. Romney is running for President?  Shouldn’t assigning “cult” status be the result of the teachings of the Mormon religion? 
The Book of Mormon says it is “Another Gospel of Jesus Christ”.  In the Bible it specifically states that “if anyone preaches another Gospel let him be accursed.”
How does following Mormonism advance “Christian Values”?  If you make the argument that Gov. Romney believes in “Christian Values” than, if a worshipper of “Satan” says he is against abortion and Gay Marriage it would be OK to vote for him because he shares your “Christian Values”. 
I will not tell any citizen of the USA not to vote for Gov. Romney because of his religion, but when someone implies that Gov. Romney has more “Christian Values” as the reason to vote for him you are compromising those “Christian Values” to vote for someone who believes something the Bible so explicitly states is “Cursed”. 
I think it is a blow to the Gospel of Jesus Christ when we compromise our “Christian Values” to support a candidate that is worshipping “Another Gospel”.   That is a danger and we as Christians should never say that one “sin” is better than another.  
The truth for Christians is that according to the Bible Mormonism is “Sin”, Abortion is “Sin” and Gay Marriage is “Sin” and for followers of Jesus Christ to say anything else; is “Sin” also.

Todd Akins - Legitimate Rape

Todd Akins made an uneducated comment about forcible rape.  Although there is not enough scientific evidence to support that theory, he is trying to justify his views on abortion.  
I have made a vow to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I believe that it is wrong for me to get an abortion.  Although I am not sure what decision I would make if my physician determined my life was threatened, I would hope I can believe in God’s Will and trust him (that is easy to believe when my life is not threatened). 
I believe that if I were raped and I became pregnant that it would be wrong for me to abort the child, because it is never the child’s fault that a parent acts abusively.  Aborting the life does not make me less pregnant or less raped.  (Again that is easy for me to believe when I have not been confronted with this situation). 
I live in the United States of America, we have voted, fought and died for our freedoms.  Because of this I don’t believe that it is right for me to tell someone else what to do with their body; that should be their right to have control over their own body.   My conscience will not allow me to vote in favor of abortion though, I would have to abstain. 
Now that I have explained my views, I don’t support Todd Akins’ view on forcible rape and possibly a person in 2012; making such an ignorant statement is an indicator as to why he should not be a senator. 
He has been demonized by many, but I can appreciate his attempt to save children.  If a person believes the life of the mother is important; than they should also believe that the life of the child is important.  The child did not get to choose.  So those who criticize Todd Akins should also recognize that his error is an attempt to save the life of a child.